ロスアンゼルス市在住 A様 トヨタ プリウス ご購入ありがとうございます

02.13.2017 | 購入車両,

ハイブリッドカー(プリウス)専門店のエコドライブでトヨタ プリウスをご購入いただいたお客様の声を公開しました

From my girlfriend. She has bought Prius from Eco Drive before and she trust them. So I decided to come.
Very honest, car condition long term warranty. My first car was a Germany car. I spent around $2000 for the car repair for first year and got transmission problem recently. So I gave up to keep the car and decided to replace to a reliable Japanese car.
I am not Japanese but I will say "Ureshii".


Hi A, Thanks for buying a Prius from us. The Prius will make you happy! Because it will save your money and time. There will be no stressful and make you relax all the time. See you at next service! Thank you very much. Arigato-!! ECO DRIVE